Tully Coates, Jr., with his good looks and chiseled body, is the local heartthrob, and while he has a new girlfriend virtually every night, he's incapable of getting close to anyone. His younger brother Earl, the shy and sensitive type, frequents the local revival house. The only common bond between these disparate siblings is Ella Smalley, an intelligent and even-tempered youn...
《塔利》感觉像是一款成熟而生机勃勃的作家作品,在不浮于表面的同时,又可以在任何情节里自然而然地挖掘出幽默点 。塞隆在片中的表现可以让对她喜剧天赋有质疑的人都噤声,越黑暗越给力。作为塔利,麦肯兹·戴维斯的表现可圈可点 。