《在我头顶,繁星满天》又名The Starry Sky Above Me。
Bruno has published a fiery first novel in 1996. The Press headlined: "There is a before and after the starry sky above ** head." Twenty years later, Bruno has 50 years. He is single, he has no children, and lives in cohabit with a young Femen. He rises at 14h and spends most of his days in his boxers in search of the inspiration. For him everything is going well, but his relat...
某生者 2024-03-09
+ 很喜欢里面的一些片段,但整体无感(音乐真不错)
Young 2019-01-11
阿卡德米娅 2021-05-27
飞机上看的66分钟版本 摇摇晃晃的 迷迷糊糊的 直到轰趴开始 直到音乐开始 我想起了文德斯 到底谁是疯子谁是常人?我也想“搞垮精神治疗体系 把疯子都放出来” 哎 一个蓝色的sad story
两只青蛙跳下锅 2024-09-04
OreoOlymLee 2019-07-01
muted group 2021-03-19
在飞机上看了个无声版 中间一些镜头有点乱