纪录片关于**野兽派画家**-马蒂斯的色彩。发现他的画搭配萨第的钢琴配乐真是绝配。。。:) The film, recording pictures gathered from all over the world for the London exhibition in 1968, traces the idyllic quality in Henri Matisse's work "When I started to paint I felt transported into a sort of paradise - starting to paint I felt gloriously free, quiet and alone". The paintings are shown chronologically, culminating the...
两颗痣 2019-02-28
璆然 2012-02-28
已注销 2018-05-09
https://***.***********/watch?v=NLgQDKd7WYo&list=PL47D2991A3705597A记不清了都- -
3KRKDNSP 2023-01-20
Erik Satie的配乐好棒,马蒂斯的颜色,金鱼,**,剪纸灵感,拼贴
蓝狗的眼睛 2024-11-15
The canvas is a screen onto which the painter projects his desires in lines and colors. Business and pleasure sense and sensibility order and adventure Matisse is a uniter of contradictions,one half of him is a luxurious materialist the other a pensive poet. One of his ambitions is to portray the real world, another is to painr the spirit.
垃圾山大王 2022-06-07
冷不丁又想到马蒂斯的真迹展因为疫情被取消($@/)@/@(&>\?!>\€|++]€\%{+’dheiorkflfkf 前两年的夏天坐在家里的沙发地毯上看的 看到教堂的生命之树后没来由哭出来 而昨晚在半梦半醒间感受到手臂上被纹上了生命之舞 好热忱纯粹的爱与柔软 我希望自己永远永远都喜欢马蒂斯
不系舟 2020-12-11
马蒂斯一开始成名时候以色彩的运用著名,他认为大块的色彩更浓烈,让色彩放在一起互相辉映。他改变了当时已经收到注意的黄蓝对比,该用红绿对比。他的一些画作虽然用了很多鲜艳的颜色,但用黑白和中**达到了不杂乱的效果。晚年他的作品更加简单。他的作品的一大主题是歌颂生命的愉悦和安宁。马蒂斯的很多作品目前在神彼得堡的hermitage museum。
冬虫夏草血燕窝 2010-02-19
good materials for art appreciation.
かぜ🌱 2012-02-18