Hosted by actor Kenneth Branagh, this Documentary showcases silent-screen actor Lon Chaney, often called "The Godfather of Horror FIlms", who was famed for the elaborate--and often painful--lengths to which he would go to make himself up for the characters he was playing. Included are clips from many of his films and interviews with many actors who are fans of his work and some...
带子狼 2022-12-08
鹰头猫 2010-04-22
the man of thousand talents,origin of martian's face!
邹以默 2012-06-27
Virgil 2019-08-05
过于种草了,种草了超多Lon Chaney的片……他真可爱T T
蒹* 2013-01-07
传奇!不过这个短片做的太简陋了点吧。。。 https://***.***********/watch?v=UthwwraN5Ho https://***.***********/watch?v=U27FoAQO-Dk