《魔鬼家族》又名The Family。
Born in Leon in Spain, Octavio Getino moved to Argentina in the early 1950s. Here, he co-founded, along with the director Fernando Solanos, the influential and radical film collective known as Cinema Liberacion, and worked with Solanos on the film 'The Hour of the Furnaces', which was largely shot underground and clandestinely. Following the return of Peron as the president of ...
暂时被** 2020-09-13
70年代阿根廷政治批判电影。费尔南多 索拉纳斯与奥克塔维奥 赫蒂诺。解放电影。一部关于拉丁美洲命运的寓言性故事长片。无资源