The Little White Cloud that Cried is an explicit tribute to legendary underground queer filmmaker Jack Smith.The film centers around an epic transsexual orgy, and it is very graphic. It was commissioned for the Jack Smith festival "Five Flaming Days in a Rented World " in Berlin.
stknight 2013-11-03
Orpheus 2012-02-05
戈尔贡佐拉 2021-10-17
有点幽默了 骷髅给trans**是在干什么。
парк 2019-07-31
**这***居然是guy maddin???????????????不行太可怕了我接受不了不行tribute也不行快看哭了为什么啊??????放过我妈妈救救孩子啊啊啊啊啊啊什么东西啊为什么是你拍的为什么你要这样不行我接受不了!!!!!!!!!还我三观
Lycidas 2020-01-26
"DINAMO: (No) Dialogue" 不太典型的Guy Maddin(因为他在模仿和致敬地下电影传奇Jack Smith),人物、音乐和画面质感都相当60/70年代。恶趣味没错,同时也非常浪漫。