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The Nickel Children


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User Comments:  I was lucky enough to attend the May 19th screening of The Nickel Children in San Diego and I have to say...I can see why Eric Litra's script was a winner in the Nicholl's Fellowship Screen writing Competition, a hard contest to win. Although a sad story, it opened up the audience to a world that we only "hear" about in passing. . . or maybe on TV once in awhile ...


隐君子 2024-02-27

《镍孩子》是一部叙事剧,以两个离家出走的人猫(塔玛拉·霍普 - Shall We Dance、The Deep End)和诺兰(Reiley McClendon - 珍珠港、The Kid)的视角,揭示了洛杉矶街头生活的严酷现实。仅凭他们的直觉和陌生人稍纵即逝的善意,凯特和诺兰在一个充斥着**、**和暴力掠夺者的世界中航行。他们在街上停留的每一分钟,都陷入了一场机会游戏,他们用自己的生命来**。凯特和诺兰必须在时间最终耗尽之前制定一个逃跑计划。 (1:32:37)