The first film of its kind to offer a comprehensive view of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, The Settlers is a historical overview, geopolitical study, and intimate look at the people at the core of the most daunting challenge facing Israel and the international community today. World Premiere
第32届圣丹斯电影节:评审团大奖 世界电影单元纪录片(提名)。
De Ajacied 2016-09-30
在ARD上看的…可怜我的德语听力已退化到不如希伯来语了,艰难follow… 至于电影本身嘛,只提搞事情的教棍也是太片面。毕竟教棍才占了settlers总数的20%左右… 引用别人影评里的一句话:Yet the film has much **** to teach us about the dogma of left-wing Israelis than it does about settlers.
yoshimi 2016-10-08
很受教育 在政教统一国家做个左派也是不容易啊
TimberNord 2017-03-19
When you realise the Jews and Muslims are cousins in terms of religious fevor
言矢 2022-05-09