The road movie is a pure American genre, the long journey from East to West is part of the US History. In general, they are all very good films, from stupid but laughable **** movies to masterpieces like this one. But The Dream Catcher gives us **** than this : it is a very good film indeed, moving and beautiful, but the superior point is at a formal level. It's a fact that mos...
终结者 2016-12-18
其她文学 2021-03-21
意外之喜。我太爱了,**五星。 结尾处Freddy看着Albert从身旁走过,仿佛看见时光和自己。 气鼓鼓的**、被打得满脸血的**、淋了雨湿漉漉的**,Maurice真的很适合这一类有点神经质的奇怪角色。
BloodandLyre 2021-03-18
7.5 意外的很喜欢。流浪搭车客的寻根歧路,结束空虚放逐在意料之中但过程不显庸俗。两个主角的感情线如水温和却不造作。Maurice的角色像**一样敏感易怒又坚韧,看得人好怜。ps这部明明是英语片但是全网找不到英语字幕...倒是有其他几种语言的