An old recluse helps a disheartened young housewife find her true inner voice. Monika, a university graduate and former beauty queen, is now a stressed out mom trying to do it all, be it all and have it all. Bob is her elderly neighbor, an elegant gentleman of the old school, who feels she's leading a life all wrong for her spirit. An unlikely friendship from out of the blue al...
心心知我心 2014-09-16
偶然看到的电影 和另一部蓝色协奏曲弄混了 找了好久才发现这个 结果没啥人看 还是很平淡很打动人的 发现内心的声音
小半未满 2015-10-05
太阳能手电筒 2013-03-06
她求上主赐她力量,使她有所成就,他却让他软弱,使她学习谦卑*从; 她求上主赐她健康,使她做更大的事,他却给他疾病,使她做更好的事; 她求上主赐她能力,使她赢得所有人的赞赏,他却使她软弱,明白要追求上主; 她求拥有世上万物,使她享受生命,他却给她生命,使她享受万物; 她所求的,一无所得