Suzy Travis is young, enthusiastic, and motivated - but inexperienced, somewhat *****, and a teacher. Straight out of training college, she is thrown into a characterless, unfeeling comprehensive; Galfast High. The teaching staff are, to put it lightly, absolutely bonkers. The children are unruly. But the deputy head, Mr Slatt, eclipses them all.
Sparks机智地 2016-02-28
怎么会这么好看!人物设定超级棒。几乎是一口气看完。太喜欢Steven Moffat。
小一 2015-09-24
那个在傲慢与偏见中爱向凯瑟琳夫人献殷勤的表侄竟然化身成了高中教导主任,完全得活灵活现呀,外加编剧是***最近火热福尔摩斯系列的Steven Moffat,很喜欢他的作品。