《巴西的人们》又名The Brazilian People。
A portrait of Brazilian People based on the anthropological work of Darcy Ribeiro. This series consists ten 26 minute-long shows about the social and cultural formation of Brazilians, their mixed ancestry, and the unique cultural syncretism that has resulted from it. Darcy Ribeiro dedicated his life to thinking about and changing Brazil. With rare discernment, he discussed peop...
遠濤 2024-03-24
4小时,油管(基于Darcy Ribeiro学术名著),作为电视教育片来说算很不错了。对**民族的形成以族群或地区作分集叙述,构成一幅全景。注意:英文字幕的专有名词常系统性地缺少某个结尾字母,于是:Xangô-->Xang;Iorubá-->Iorub,令人遗憾。