Flowers, insects, and a crow family all dance to a jaunty tune celebrating spring. After a brief storm, grasshoppers, frogs, and spiders cavort to the Dance of the Hours.
***** circus in the nature. Flexible bodies and **** characters. Good show of food chains among birds and insects. Frogs and trees are the most impressive ones.
mysticark 2012-08-03
**建筑师 2019-01-07
1929年10月24日发布的,正好是Wall Street Crash of 1929(美国股市崩盘)开始的那天。配乐改编自Ponchielli作曲的Dance of the Hours,这片绝对就是**曲的雏形,**曲里动物跳芭蕾的那段配乐就是这个。
小爱 2019-09-03
Silly Symphony的细节**……有几个人注意到青蛙跳舞的时候影子和它跳的方向完全是反的……真是够silly的小心机……然而这就是动画的魅力。
葡萄波各各 2021-03-08
输入昵称 2023-12-06
吃点好的 2023-01-03
学历不通过***传播,但music and dance通过大鱼吃小鱼传播
R 2023-07-04
***** circus in the nature. Flexible bodies and **** characters. Good show of food chains among birds and insects. Frogs and trees are the most impressive ones.
bakero喵 2019-06-01
糊涂交响曲第三 不如前两个惊艳啊
追影补音✔ 2024-03-07
https://v.kuaishou****/pU2zxE "
南柯 2023-11-21
弱肉强食 前面那个黑脸香肠嘴太阳花在猫和老鼠里有个类似的形象哈哈哈哈