Ginger Rogers stars in this rousing, patriotic drama as Jo, a young woman whose husband (Robert Ryan) goes off to fight the Nazis, leaving her home, poor and pregnant. In order to make ends meet, Jo takes a *** riveting planes and then moves into an all-girl commune with three other women (Ruth Hussey, Patricia Collinge, and Kim Hunter). It's a touching illustration of grace un...
乌米诺乜鲁玛吉 2024-04-23
二战文宣片,但还是有好多亮点啊:➊女性互助;➋小团体自治;➌劳工阶层;➍泯注同盟;➎非常生活的细节表达(例如开头车站告别一场戏)。 性别观念比较过时。 Ginger的哭戏总是很有感染力,而她也很擅长群戏。