If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children. The U.S. Government knew this in the 19th century when it forced Native American children into government boarding schools. Today, volunteers build schools in traditional societies around the world, convinced that school is the only way to a 'bette...
撄宁 2023-08-22
下河迷人羊果朗 2019-11-13
现代化之辩:天使福报?洪水猛兽?磨人的小妖精? 我们应对传统多一点温存和敬意 ,我们应对现代少一点激进和盲目 清议总是会有何不食肉糜的味道,除非想遗世**,否则就得照浮世规矩来
毛绒系系长 2022-03-24
all in all you are just another brick in the wall
解除武装的先知 2018-03-12
刹仁酱 2020-01-23
追随我心1802 2022-02-26
Susan_Y 2015-02-24
J 2019-02-15
A few interesting points made, but sorry I can't really agree with the central message about modern education that it's simply modeling students into the same shell without keeping their individuality. Indeed, a part of modern education still has the flaw that it can forcefully "indoctrinate" ideas to students, thus in a sense "erasing" their own identity. But I believe that true education is going to reach a point where it will introduce people with many different ways of thinkings, and eventually give them the power to decide what they want to believe in while respecting the others at the same time. 教育的存在不正是为了向人们展示多元化的世界,从而让他们可以真正获得更多的选择的权利吗
元气小辣椒 2018-09-03
阿彤 2021-02-07
诘问efa 教育被强权 对****的帮助 不过也是一种虚怀善意的入侵