Salomé Lerner just finished writing an autobiograpy. She goes to a TV show called "Apostrophes", hosted by French TV showman Bernard Pivot. Pivot then imagines a film that could be created from her gripping story. A film entirely made of music because after seeing the young pianist Erik Berchot, Salomé believes seeing her long lost brother, who was a musician as well. A brother...
Jasey Rae 2022-11-06
电影由二战*****者Salomé Lerner撰写的自传展开 通过Salomé的回忆讲述故事 Lerner一家都是法裔*** 德占期间由于被房东太太举报 不得不逃到朋友Rivière一家(JLT家)避难 但是好景不长 Lerner一家再次被匿名信举报 全部被****抓走送进*** 多年后 Salomé孤身一人**下来 回到Rivière一家所在的村子 想要找到写那封匿名举报信的人 结局应该是兄妹团聚了(电影没有明确交代 但弹钢琴的时候桌子上有Salomé和**的照片) 两位举报人都死了 一位过于愧疚跳车** 一位过于惊吓从窗户上摔了下去 不知道最后Salomé和Vincent之间怎么样了?