《福尔摩斯与贝克街小分队》又名Baker Street Irregulars、贝克街小分队。
The rag-tag group of street kids known as the Irregulars first appeared in the Sherlock Holmes novel A Study in Scarlet in 1887. This time, the Irregulars find themselves having to solve the mysterious disappearance of two of their own gang, while Holmes himself is accused of murder and put under house arrest. Only by the combination of all their skills can they hope to free Ho...
晚安好运©️ 2013-01-03
michelle 2011-11-20
呃,就是为了看aaron,戏份还算比较多,这个讲的是专门帮mr H跑腿的那群小孩,以前也看到过,不过都讲的很少....拍的有点现代化.irene 又出现了,演员长的有点不行...这个holmes还不错,就是老了点..故事嘛,我觉得也还行,虽然是编的
Mori 2013-05-09
Anna Chancellor的**下巴= =……