《另一个伊丽娜》又名The Other Irene。
The Other Irene is an odd ***** in the current landscape of Romanian cinema. Although paying tribute to the aesthetics of the Romanian New Wave, director Gruzsniczki also embraces thriller genre conventions, delivering a distilled suspenseful tale based on a strange real story. Irina convinces her husband that she needs to go to Egypt to work. Three months later, she comes back...
多不利登 2011-03-26
最后都没告诉你真相 (看到Dragos Bucur排在演员表第3位而下的电影 结果发现他友情演出只出现在最后一个长镜头里 坑爹呀)
ponsitree 2010-04-20
胤祥 2015-03-08
个人对抗(?)体制的主题延续到[QED]里,不过这个角色显然不太适合Andi Vasluianu。仍然是城乡二元+出国务工的故事不过这次去**(真少见!)。