Sasikumar, a son of rich landlord in Kandamanoor leads a happy life and spends all time with his friends. Many times, he goes out of the way to **** his friends. One day, he goes to ensure that his friend's (Inigo Prabhakaran) love is conveyed to a girl (Lakshmi Menon), who happens to be his ex-flame. As it happens, she falls in loves with Sasikumar again. But trouble begins he...
第60届南方印度电影观众奖:泰米尔语电影 最佳影片(提名)。
第60届南方印度电影观众奖:泰米尔语电影 最佳导演(提名)。
第60届南方印度电影观众奖:泰米尔语电影 最佳新人女演员。