This three-part miniseries begins with elderly Lady Slane (Wendy Hiller) sitting watchfully by the deathbed of her husband. Tended by her equally aged French maid Genoux (Eileen Way), who has served her faithfully for a lifetime, Lady Slane deals with a succession of advice from her large flock of middle-aged children. The family is chagrined by, but honors, her choice to live ...
青苔 2016-12-11
大约跟丧始丧终有关,剧中人物的衣着偏于黯淡,款式也过于平庸,也许是所设**的缘故?多了丝凝重意味,缺了点**美感;因为是短剧,跟原著比起来节略太多,先看书后观影,总感觉节奏太快;另,书中关于印度、中国的回忆部分,剧中只是一语带过,许是制作成本考虑,私以为加一些异域风光更可添彩。 太喜欢这个故事,便全本自译了薇塔的原作All Passion Spent。得益于薇塔的优美文笔与灵巧构思,原著与中译,读来均有别样之美。 译完All Passion Spent,更是对薇塔本人生发了莫大的兴趣,搜集到其多数作品及传记,有意业余暇时一一译来。目前在译The Edwardians,预计年底可得初译稿。