Chameli is the story of a prostitute played by Kareena Kapoor. Aman Kapoor (Rahul Bose) an investment banker, lost his pregnant wife, Neha (Rinke Khanna) in a car accident on a rainy night. The accident left him depressed and lonely. He drowned his grief with alcohol and smoking. Chameli (Kareena Kapoor) is a prostitute who was sold to a brothel by her uncle when she was young....
漫漫云端 2022-04-27
"最美的不是下雨天 是和你一起躲过雨的屋檐" 喜欢电影的前半段(男女主躲雨)和后半段(男主释怀后) 前半段在一个地方躲雨的氛围感真好 好到我以为整部电影都会focus这个场景不会变 就男女主一直迎来送往形形**的**蛮好 卡琳娜雨中那段舞很美 ps.片尾的花絮真是笑死我了 憋说我真的想过男主坐在长凳上万一摔了呢 结果还真的摔过🤭