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Farinet ou l'or dans la montagne

Farinet ou l'or dans la montagne


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《Farinet ou l'or dans la montagne》又名Farinet - Die sanfte und die wilde Freiheit。

Maurice Farinet, a young Swiss peasant, has found a gold deposit in the mountains and starts producing counterfeit money. He is arrested but manages to escape. The village people are on his side and shelter him. Arrested a second time, he runs away once again and is hidden and protected by Joséphine, the waitress of the inn, who is in love with him. But Farinet puts the mayor i...

Farinet ou l'or dans la montagne获奖情况

第7届威尼斯电影节:墨索里尼杯 最佳国际电影(提名)。
