Ahl el qema在线观看

Ahl el qema

  • 上映年代:1981  
  • 别名:People on The Top
  • 类型:剧情
  • 地区:埃及
  • 更新时间:

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《Ahl el qema》又名People on The Top。

Based on a novella by Naguib Mahfouz with the same name. This movie try to analyse the ***** changes in the modern Egypt life after (AL-Infitah) President Anwar El Sadat's economic policies.  Zaatr (Nour El-Sherif) is a small thief turn to be one of the powerful business men in Port Said, and after the fear and respect he pays to the decent policman Mohamed (Ezzat El Alaili) he ...


与世隔绝の独奏 2024-01-27

稀有奥斯卡,WEB-DL 1080p,军官**不同意妹妹嫁给一个背信弃义的小子,将男青年给胖揍了一顿,小伙子不*气居然把他妹妹给强上了,你是真的勇士兄dei