《路边的石头》又名路旁石、The Wayside Pebble。
The Wayside Pebble is an effective drama about the hardships of a childhood spent with a brusque, cold-hearted father and a submissive mother. The year is 1910 and the place is a small Japanese village. Goichi is suffering because he wants to go to school, but his family is too poor to afford that luxury. Even when a kind friend agrees to **** out, Goichi’s father refuses to gi...
磕学废话 2021-08-02
眼眶**好几次 哪怕是块不起眼的石头 也有会发光的梦想 也是***宝贝 也是朋友眼中无可比拟的存在
HeKu 2020-06-15
雑草のようにたくましく 若草のように清らかに 路傍の石にも似て 少年の力強い生命の歌
月亭 2021-09-21
小演员一个个都演得太好了。加城的电影比**的原著更感人。一部冷僻的上佳之作。 链接: https://***.baidu****/s/1jc-r70ESwKaoTQdRNw8HUA 🐎: ivaa