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Jode McWilliams, the foreman of Circle O, is in love with Peg, the daughter of Pa Owens, the owner of the ranch. The trouble is that daddy won't allow! Which does not stop Jode from wanting to marry Peg. He asks Stumpy, the cook, to **** him write a love letter to the lady of his heart. The other cowhands find it and, with a view to ****** fun of Jode, nail it to the door. Two ...


熙德 2021-06-23

这个时候福特还没有改名,所以片头用的依然是Jack Ford。老实说,他早几年拍的这些西部电影都挺烂的,不过要没有这些拿来练手的话,福特也是拍不出《铁骑》这种旷世神作的

paracelsus 2013-01-16

其实是部Western背景的New Comedy。以Indian取代servant完成为年轻男女主角穿针引线的功能。horse trick. stunt. last-min-marriage.