Im Durchgang - Protokoll für das Gedächtnis在线观看

Im Durchgang - Protokoll für das Gedächtnis

  • 上映年代:1990  
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:东德
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“Whoever has discovered a truth must also bear witness to it and make it known,” says the critical Potsdam high school graduate and pastor’s son Alexander Schulz at the start of the film and adds: “You must also endure the personal disadvantages.” Between March 1989 and March 1990, Kurt Tetzlaff follows the intelligent boy through a time of upheaval. At their graduation, Alexan...


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“谁发现了真相,谁就必须见证它并让它为人所知,”波茨坦高中毕业生、牧师的儿子****·舒尔茨在电影开始时说,并补充道:“你必须忍受个人的不利条件。”*****3月至1990年3月,库尔特·泰兹拉夫跟随这个聪明的男孩度过了一段动荡的时期。毕业典礼上,****和他的同学们表演了米哈伊尔·沙特罗夫的戏剧《良心的**》。 德意志****国新闻中的序列显示了国家**层与公民的距离有多远。4.8