This is a ground breaking documentary investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. A group of concern citizens heading up watchdog organizations investigate the 2004 election in the wake of these allegations on the 2000 presidential election which ended up decided in the Supreme Court. These ordinary citizens investigate voter machine ...
nautilus 2019-01-20
所以所有程序源码在FTP***上一个外行大妈通过公网就可以下载,所有votes存在特制的memory card上,which have Executable code 可以直接控制和修改数据,然后这些card接入pc用特定的exe程序count,然而这个exe也是可以随便bypass *****直接修改结果。。。所以不管你们怎么投,结果都是被control的。
MichelleLOU 2012-09-05