《德黑兰往事》又名Once Upon a Time in Tehran。
A theatrical version of Hatami's epic length miniseries Hezar Dastan. An inspector is sent to recruit an old-time assassin who's now have secluded himself from the people, to kill a rich and important man in the government known as Hezardastan, but now he remembers his days of youth as a hunter and assassin, as he's being tortured by the 6-finger inspector. He finally has to **...
故乡的晨曦 2024-07-18
Rarecinema. 一名督察被派去招募一名老刺客,他现在已经与人民隔绝,要**一名被称为赫扎.达斯坦的政府中富有而重要的人,但现在他想起了自己年轻时作为猎人和刺客的日子,因为他正受到六指督察的折磨。他最终必须对自己的任务下定决心。4.4