《野性之歌》又名The Wolf Song。
In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love and he persuades her to elope with him. After they get married, Sam is torn between his love for Lola and his yearn for travelin'.
黑特-007 2021-06-01
应该把库珀全(99%)*镜头再往后放放,不然看个十来分钟就关视*怪不好意思的|Ps.如果不是派拉蒙后知后觉,应该能拍成有声片。“I WANT A GAL TO DANCE WITH ME!”这种表现方法实在太好笑了……
megaclubdiolis 2021-08-10
之前看的那个《派拉蒙巡礼》里的卷毛大狗狗Coop在拉丁舞会应该是在拍这部片吧。看的是65分钟的配乐版本,音质差得要聋了...片长实在抱歉,题材又是荒唐的toxic masculinity, 还好fetus!Coop卖得一手好肉XD 许多片段K1nky af
巽凌 2021-05-19
#Say You Love Me/Say You Love Me/And Put It In A Love Song# Nothing Is Stronger Than Love,Eh?—— Nothing Is Stronger Than The Antiaging Serum On ** Nightstand! Cast:(Spitfire / 勉强默女的)Lupe Velez;默男Gary Cooper P.S.趣味①没有想到它是一部默片(毕竟已经1929啦,Victor Fleming,嘿?!)趣味② 似乎瞥见了Russ Columbo 趣味③ 最近的爱好是什么,是浏览那些昂贵小众且拗口的护肤品牌,通过这样极端的方式,能让我暂时忘记我的现实生活有多糟糕