泰国是世界上最美丽,最和平的国家之一,而这里却藏着一个不为人知的骇人秘密。 野蛮和悲惨的交易在整个国家进行着,然而大多数普通人却对此一无所知。 成千上万只的狗正在消失,不论是宠物犬还是流浪狗,都消失在黑暗中,他们去了哪里…… Thailand, one of the most beautiful and peaceful nations in the world, houses a deadly secret. A savage and harrowing trade reaches across the entire country yet is somehow hidden from most of its people. Dogs are disappearing by the thousand, pet and street dogs all...
春木 2017-12-12
吃狗肉不会让你“重展雄风”,未经检验合格且来路不明的肉只会增加寄生虫等健康安全隐患。 没有**就没有杀害。