When six college kids in a sleepy Southern town are assigned a group ******* to rediscover a moment in history, one of them sets in motion a horrific fate when he proposes they head into the Georgia backwoods to tackle the legend of Emily Burt, the Talbot County werewolf. "Lycan" is a Hitchcockian tale of horror set in 1986 that delves into a hundred year old fable where our st...
《狼人》悬疑性和故事节奏感都处理得不错,剧情的推进可谓层层叠加、环环相扣。不过片中关键的几场动作戏,虽不乏暴力和血腥元素,但**点却与导演乔·约翰斯顿的前作《侏罗纪公园3》颇有相似。《狼人》上映档期多次推迟,很大程度地磨损了观众的忍耐力。该片非常地程式化,完全找不到兴奋点,题材过于老套,本尼西奥-德-托罗和安东尼-霍普金斯的表演也令人失望 。
** 2019-04-16
https://shilfa****/unitedkingdom/father-writes-his-own-heartbreaking-obituary-to-warn-others-about-smoking/ ………… 菸草等同**,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!己所不欲,无施于人,自食其果,终将泯灭!(*****)
专注恐怖片30年 2019-10-31