《某种孤独》又名Some Kind of Loneliness。
The Resocialization Center at the "Alexandru Obredgia" Neuropsychiatry Hospital is a **** or less utopian attempt to reintegrate into the "******" to socially reintegrate patients with mental deficiencies. Beyond the success or failure of this attempt, emotional memory preserves the inner poetry of some personal universes - as a form of survival in a chaotic and absurd reality ...
胤祥 2018-03-10
Adina Pintilie二年级纪录片作业。说实在话确实她纪录片比故事片好。那个时候就已经开始关注***人与**人了。这和此后的[不要误会我]乃至金熊片[不要碰我]算是主题上的不断开拓了。