From their first encounter as teenagers in high school, Scott and Sid seem unlikely friends. Scott is a shambolic dreamer, intent on carving out his own path in life and holding up a metaphorical middle finger to anyone who tries to stop him. He is a quintessential troubled ****: on his fifth high school by the age of fifteen, alienated from his peers, crippled by recurring nig...
悠幽灵 2018-05-21
2.5 感觉预算很紧。没有action,对话来凑,对话不够,只能加画外音了。表演和风格还不错。
** 2018-09-21
全世界人类**何其多,尿*已经够臭,竟然还愚蠢到把比尿*更脏臭菸、**往嘴里送,堂堂五六尺人类却被寸菸给打败,菸草等同**,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,可耻超级污秽大白痴………… 希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!人蠢冇药医, *菸=吸**=抽**=不卫生=超污秽=冇教养!!