The story revolves around the planet Shada, on which the Time Lords have constructed a high security prison for some of the Universe's most dangerous criminals. Skagra, a flawed genius from the planet Dronoid, wishes to ****** a "Universal Mind" in which all the pooled knowledge of the universe's greatest criminals would be placed at his disposal and with which he intends to ta...
Linhiriel 2018-04-14
Olsen 2020-10-01
好精彩的故事,我爱DNA!总感觉这个故事与《死亡之城》拼起来就成了《全能侦探社》。结局**,但最后还留了一把大刀。这一部以时间为主题的剧,用50多年向我们讲述着关于时间的真实故事。只是现实中时间的流逝更为残酷。几十年如同白驹过隙,转瞬即逝。曾经他创造了无数**,如今却已白发苍苍。大半夜看完反而哭精神了。Doctor, you are such a nice old man!
Evilly ☣ 2021-06-29
影院旁的TARDIS 2021-07-25
用时16个月,终于看完了Classic Who的全部故事!听Big Finish再也不会有我不懂的“知识点”啦(不是…… 结尾把四爷时隔三十多年拉回来拍捅刀片段真的是胡粉传统艺能。 "Is he really the Doctor? How strange. He seems such a nice old man."
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-12-22
这个版本加入了**** of Death的配乐于是更显轻快了。Absolutely funny and delightful for most parts, although like so many Doctor Who stories, the action-packed resolution is always a bit rushed, unsatisfactory and unearned.
均均桑 2022-05-15