A sticky, intimate bond between mother and daughter becomes threatened when the mother helps her teenage daughter throw a ***** to impress new, popular friends.
夏日的柔情与**,微妙的争竞与较量,夜晚聚会后残留的热度都在清早的雨声里破碎。我记得最后一幕,她的脸上留有**。好故事。表演,画面,氛围无一不美。Delicate mother-daughter bond and gender dynamic story, refreshingly told. They are alone together.
javanzhang 2020-11-18
兔兔棒棒糖 2022-06-14
表演堪称惊艳,镜头美学微妙细腻,小动作展现潜台词。最主要的是,故事很独特,视角很独特。 Something about intimacy.
P.s I love you 2018-07-16
夏日的柔情与**,微妙的争竞与较量,夜晚聚会后残留的热度都在清早的雨声里破碎。我记得最后一幕,她的脸上留有**。好故事。表演,画面,氛围无一不美。Delicate mother-daughter bond and gender dynamic story, refreshingly told. They are alone together.
javanzhang 2020-11-18
兔兔棒棒糖 2022-06-14
表演堪称惊艳,镜头美学微妙细腻,小动作展现潜台词。最主要的是,故事很独特,视角很独特。 Something about intimacy.