《伊万与狗》又名Lek and the Dogs。
Combining science fiction, fairytale and archive, this story of a lost boy carries reminiscences of Tarkovsky. Based on the play by Hattie Naylor, Lek leaves his parents for a life with dogs. An enfant sauvage, he grows into society with emotional connections and values at odds with the world, leading to conflict and confusion. Andrew Kötting’s account of this ultimate outsider...
三十 2018-06-14
Make sense倒是其次,克廷在一个线性的叙事中蓄意拼贴一些历史资料片、家庭DV短片、录音等无关的东西,任意而为,构造了这部有自己艺术主张和风格的类型片混搭装置艺术和影像艺术。作为整体,力量饱满,源于涉及众多影像类型和内容指涉,以及宇宙终结、城市毁灭、个体痛苦和生命死亡主题的交织呼应。
Nightwing 2019-02-12