Sugano is wildly talented and ambitious with a unique vision. The film depicts a complicated, tortured soul, though it's also being eaten by too many ideas that the director tries to incorporate.
One of the best documentaries I have ever seen. A good doc always makes you learn a lot and encourages yourself to try documentary someday.
安颜荨 2015-06-21
陈精病 2015-06-20
周游雪场 2014-06-13
I met Masa and Kosal tonight. It's an honor to watch the incredible movie, it opens up a gate to look into the states and Cambodia in a brand new way. Talking with them, I found that their life stories and perspectives are even **** attractive than the movie itself.
V_Lachesis 2014-05-25
Sugano is wildly talented and ambitious with a unique vision. The film depicts a complicated, tortured soul, though it's also being eaten by too many ideas that the director tries to incorporate.
满大人 2015-06-24
冷库鲨首 2018-05-09
沒想到這麼好。Apocalypse Series end. 四捨五入TA了一整年的電影課。
**眼的敏敏 2015-06-20
2015 SIFF 第十一场。从小在美国生活了30年,其中一半时间在**度过,出狱后被驱逐出境回到柬埔寨,可以想象kosal心中的无归属感,但其心中的矛盾与纠结是普通人永远无法想象的。他能成为诗歌表演者,我觉得是个奇迹。最后那段**认亲真的没想到,很感人。很想知道他以后会怎么样。。。
Double 2015-06-18
丫上进 2018-07-28
撄宁 2018-07-28
One of the best documentaries I have ever seen. A good doc always makes you learn a lot and encourages yourself to try documentary someday.
安颜荨 2015-06-21
陈精病 2015-06-20
周游雪场 2014-06-13
I met Masa and Kosal tonight. It's an honor to watch the incredible movie, it opens up a gate to look into the states and Cambodia in a brand new way. Talking with them, I found that their life stories and perspectives are even **** attractive than the movie itself.