Dave Jennings is a successful, self-made man in the business world, but he can't control his son, Gus, who is primarily a brat fond of throwing temper-tantrums and misbehaving. Dan enrolls Gus in a school where Lydia Marble is a teacher. Lydia's influence works wonders on Gus, and also Dan, who falls in love with her. When Dan's long-departed wife, Joyce. shows up to shake him ...
第10届金球奖:特别奖 - 最佳青少年演员(提名)。
优杉 2020-04-03
十分健全的家庭向温**,某些亲子互动还挺可爱的,总体而言还是太无聊了一点,后半段为男主觉得憋屈,只是处事不够圆滑被前妻坑了结果还被女主一顿批评,结局三观很正却让前妻成功占到了便宜,虽然很现实但考虑到这是喜剧感觉还是一言难尽。Joanne Dru很漂亮但角色太无趣了一些,相反Audrey Totter的表现十分亮眼。(女主以“移情”为理由拒绝男主求爱也算是清新脱俗了)