Serious academic in meteorology finishing her PhD dissertation and a fellowship is recruited to fill in as an ****** weather girl. While she is a big hit with the public she is risking her reputation with her colleagues. A glamorous make-over helps her come out of her shell but her new *** also takes her away from her studies at a critical time. Deb must decide whether her care...
防守三秒判点球 2020-04-06
这个“制片人挖掘女主持并相爱”的plot颇似Up Close and Personal,虽然女主当气象播报员只是**赚外快,拿到学校的fellowship就走人;同时通过学术女刻板形象推进一个丑小鸭-白天鹅情节。剧情张力以Hallmark的标准算强了