A vast, timely, and often chilling investigation into the idea and practice of democracy, ranging from Ancient Greece and Renaissance Europe to civil rights, fears of voter fraud, and the spectre of authoritarianism.
bugz 2021-04-08
发人深省... 在希腊雅典,创造出的**雏形,真正由人民来统治的。demos(人民)和kratos(统治)。把城市划分区块,然后把居民随机安排到某个区,然后每个区随机抽一人来做代表。而城市的确是由随机抽到的平民来掌控管理,以确保**能够代表大家共同的利益。创意很不错。而**制度是不是一个合理的制度,仍然需要**尝试。Cornel West说得很有理,大多数的人民只是想被**,而并不想向**的方向去努力。
proletaricat 2019-02-24
Extraordinary. The whole film is shot heavily through the framework of Wendy Brown's brilliant 2016 polemic Undoing the Demos, where she argues how neoliberalism eats away demos from within. The film rightly begins and ends with Greece and uses it prominently as a **** case for how the ideals of democracy match up with its contemporary reality. Taylor is strong in exploring structures of power in the form of racial&economic domination. One conspicuous weakness is migration debate and how this issue plays into global v. local debate. Brown's "constitutive we" appears weak in her telling but Taylor barely scratches surface. Is this a ****** case of free movement of capital but not of ppl?
** Jolie 2019-02-02
brattle 導演顯然是個youtuber!
苏呜呜 2019-02-02
十年之后 Astra Taylor还是不知道自己想说什么; 虽然她的采访对象一如既往都说得相当好
毛姆闷闷舅舅 2020-07-24
**可能是被人下最多定义同时也最被人误解的一个概念,在这种情况下,如果我们想要弄清它的含义,需要不断地回到它最开始的定义:rule of the people。这不是一部****的纪录片,关于**,它抛出了许多问题,就从这里继续往下去思考吧。
爬两个V6 2019-02-22
需要二刷。等源。一刷两点:1)democracy in the hands of a mass who is in ***** lacking of democratic cultivation and inclination is only going to degenerate into the tyranny of the majority; 2) the unreconcilable conflict between bounded democracy with the boundless capital and its whim
多餘的人 2020-09-13
₊⁺ ♡̶Na†☾⋆.ᐟ.ᐟ 2020-10-22
??? 2019-09-02
“count me in the crowd of holy fools” - holy hypocrites
来自中部 2023-10-07
看了阿斯特拉·泰勒的二部片子,找了她的第三部 。除了历史观,片子找了不同的人谈谈感受,谈谈理解,开放性的讨论,充满了自我矛盾,投票大概是主要认识。历史上的城邦都很小,被****,城邦的生存空间就没有了。