Gift is an intense and revealing look at the L.A. drug subculture and the profound way it shapes the ****'s music scene. Jane's Addiction are a band for the ages and this movie proves it. But it also shows that the life of the musician and indeed the drug addict, is by no means an easy ride. It is also a moving love story, made all the **** convincing by the fact that Casey Nic...
《致命礼物》的风格类似于2014年的《消失的爱人》,都是以**为主线,从细微的**出发向外扩散,逐渐揭露人物的阴暗史,渲染出极为惊悚的气氛。该片导演由于丰富的表演经历和创作经验,让他深谙好莱坞电影叙事的精髓,这使影片对叙事节奏的把控和对悬疑气氛的营造,抽丝剥茧般向真相靠近,并留下一个让观众回味的结尾 。该片导演作为演员已经很有天赋了,但作为导演他不像其他人一样精心打磨个人镜头,他对惊悚的表现形式有很深刻的理解,他通过音乐和灯光来改变情绪,让观众观看的时候会担心屏幕外会发生些什么事情一样。但他这样的做法也有些愚蠢,太多于坚持聚焦在**效果上,而忘记了表现人物特点 。