《相遇贝鲁特》又名Beirut the Encounter、Allika、Beirut al lika。
Just after telephone communication is restored between the warring East and West sides of Beirut, two old college lovers, one Christian, the other Shiite, whose efforts to meet have dismally failed, finally make contact. But as Zeina is leaving for the U.S. the next day, they record their innermost feelings during the night, promising to exchange tapes at the airport. It is as ...
第38届威尼斯电影节:主竞赛单元 金狮奖(提名)。
第32届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。
咸菜帮老大 2022-10-08
冰镇枕头 2022-02-12
@ Berlinale 喜欢录音带式书信 只是节奏太慢
Wanderer 2022-10-10
Ristange 2022-02-12
@Berlinale 有点慢 故事没问题 但40年前大家说话都这么有诗意吗?