In 1965 Ingmar Bergman filmed “Persona”, the cult film that brought together all of the Swedish filmmaker’s obsessions and became a turning point in his career.
#Humanity is just a collection of ways of acting human beings. #Something that's very important to me is that you can never understand a film. Not a film like that one. The question is not 'understanding'. What counts is having an emotional experience.
Muyan 2018-09-16
**是男人的未来 ps.伯格曼也不例外
vivi 2019-09-11
#11999 不知道还有谁或什么能让我一直这样喜欢和痴迷。
吖Soul 2019-01-06
#Humanity is just a collection of ways of acting human beings. #Something that's very important to me is that you can never understand a film. Not a film like that one. The question is not 'understanding'. What counts is having an emotional experience.
长河吟Ev_ 2018-12-10
cherrypie 2022-04-06
拍电影 tell **** truth with lies 但当一个以编造/上演故事为生的人开始抗拒谎言 便有了不愿开口的Elisabet和陷入identity crisis的伯格曼 假面中的两个**是否为同一人 梦境和现实应当如何区分 纪录片中专家的意见让我又一次对自己一直以来的不求甚解感到心安理得 最深刻的意义往往会在你试图用语言捕捉它的瞬间灰飞烟灭 强烈的情绪共鸣甚于任何所谓的标准**
Grigia 2020-01-30
没有更多新的东西 但底片形式带来一丝**上的新鲜感
Oracle 2020-09-17
纪录片本身过于一般。 / Seulement elle ne parle pas. Elle ** refuse sa propre voix. / (过于滞重的失语和北方海面。伯格曼电影中我无疑最爱《假面》。
Consuela.W 2018-07-14