This is a fairly amusing one-reeler about a couple who both suspect each other of infidelity, so they agree to separate but live in the same house together. Of course, it's all a misunderstanding, as a perfume salesman has spilled some perfume on the husband's suit -- while the cook's boyfriend has left his work gloves in the house. The couple will only communicate with written...
mecca 2021-11-22
7+ 老马921 流畅可爱 纵深调度 演员默契也妙极
sirius_flower 2018-10-09
蛮无聊的家庭喜剧 **俩因为一场误会各自傲娇最后和解
影呆 2019-03-03
Camden Arts Centre的讲座中放映,16mm,第一次通过胶片看到1910年代的片子
松子鸽 2022-07-22
K 2022-05-18