Fashionable uptown Moscow: psychologist Artem practices "provocative therapy", convinced that the fastest and most effective cure is to brutally confront his patients with their fears. Yet his own life is in chaos after he was sentenced to prison for causing a patient's *******. Free again, he opens a practice in a makeshift office, in a glamorous high rise no less, and sets to...
🇨 🇨 🇵 2024-07-08
御姐成了**就没意思了 以及男主的cp太单一
688109 2024-12-09
好多画面随便截个图就是屏保的审美!很喜欢这个故事(虽然不是特别喜欢男主自己那部分) 但是情节还挺紧凑的 可以说是俄语字幕看完的第一部剧吧(得很认真的看 不然完全跟不上) 要命 最喜欢的就是给那个抠门男买小火车治愈童年的故事了?