ife is so tough in the big **** that our **** has to run a gauntlet of assailants just walking to work. Once there, blasé ***** hipsters **** philosophical bombshells like cigarette ashes on a carpet. A leather-jacketed artiste of some sort or another, his figure endures the perils of fame, from glib arse-kissers to critics who throw literal punches instead of derogatory adject...
Meraki 2023-11-19
还挺喜欢的…某一部分自己的被外化了。“…Gain perspective/Seek to clarify and comfort/Not to obscure or mystify/Your aspirations are pointless/Your ambitions come to nothing.”是什么恶魔的低语啊。顺便很喜欢红蓝场景。
Virgil 2023-10-29
kylegun 2021-12-29
**向生而死,男人向死而生,斗争与工作,志向皆规训;Hal Hartley 动作小短片,how about that
千寻 2020-02-18
surviving desire里面的(自嘲)话痨男主初现端倪。顺便标记:Kid (29:00, 1984), The Cartographer’s Girlfriend (29:00, 1987)(很喜欢这一部,机锋的对话与悲怆的音乐,面纱与雪)
番茄** 2020-04-16
不太灵 虽然还是很多哈特利元素 但是没内味儿了 反而显得恼人