A Virtual Reality Movie - In early 2005, David Hanson, an American robotics, is developing its first android human. His name is Phil and it is simply the copy of the famous science fiction author Philip K. ****. In a few weeks Phil became famous on the Web and in the author's fan circles. It is presented in several conferences around the world. In late 2005, the head of the and...
momo 2018-10-15
**的第一部VR叙事短片,观看**:Arte360 VR (手机app)
Eureka 2024-03-04
全片机器人固定机位视点镜头,vr360的摄影机客观限制被剧情设定合理化。需要观众根据情节和关注扭头去调度和“剪辑”,机器人启动的**特效很不错。 开篇不正是菲利普的“梦”么。
牛永贵 2024-04-07