Funk Queen Betty Davis changed the landscape for female artists in America. She "was the first..." as former husband Miles Davis said. "Madonna before Madonna, Prince before Prince". An aspiring songwriter from a small steel town, Betty arrived on the 70's scene to break boundaries for women with her daring personality, iconic fashion and outrageous funk music. She befriended J...
tata 2021-08-11
谁能想到舞台上那么狂野,连老迈都hold不住(the woman too wild for miles)的Betty女士,现实中却是一个喜欢独处,热衷阅读,对**文化有兴趣的人呢。远离音乐圈近40年,女士接受纪录片拍摄但坚持不露面,旁白说的相当淡然,还带有点诗意。片子本身一般,主角那种超然的态度注定导演拿不到什么有料的素材,话说舔狗Robert Palmer没有入镜有点遗憾,最后女士和乐队隔空电话其乐融融但还是有点伤感。
马哈格尼颂歌 2023-09-05