《大都会歌剧院07年度青年歌唱家甄选大赛》又名New York Metropolitan Opera Council Auditions、Metropolitan Opera: Live in HD" The Audition、大都会歌剧院议会甄选。
The American director Susan Froemke followed 11 finalists in an opera competition organized by the Metropolitan Opera of New York. These are exciting times in the lives of the young singers, who want nothing **** than to break through. Although only one in a thousand will ever become a famous opera singer, they will persevere whatever happens. It is about much **** than only si...
土产品 2010-01-11
原来没人叫“不紧张”。。。Ryan Smith 太可惜了,天妒英才。
ben14w 2019-02-23
One of ***'s cinema verite examples. The cinematography has the ****** level of zooming technique which is motivated with actions. As Bob Richman mentioned, fluidity. The story happens in front of the camera, telling through the camera directly. All interviews are building up tensions for the audition, minimum background story. No voiceover.