The Witch is a Scottish fairy tale about a girl being discovered the salvation of the whole world long after her kingdom regards her as a monstrous creature. But she does not realize that she is the warrior, until her sister whom she thought abandoned her returns, and they realize she is the chosen one.
导演罗伯特·艾格斯的高明之处在于他并没有把全片核心都着重于“**”元素,而是让观众把更多的注意力放到了对人性以及宗教的思考,就如同原版片名中**的首写字母从W变成了两个V的组合,而这也使得影片有了更多的解读空间 。影片在风格上返璞归真,以冷峻凝练的手法推进叙事,不像其它恐怖片那样故弄玄虚,刻意制造出诸多恐吓影像,而是从人物的性格和互动中来暗喻***的原罪。它的基调是沉闷的,但气氛又是诡异莫测的,恐怖感在无形中已渗入观众的灵魂 。